Blyn, Washington is a tiny town (so small, you might miss it on a Satellite Map) located in easternmost Clallam County. The average density of this small town is only 34 people/square mile, the median age is 42 years old, and the average family size is three. Perhaps most shocking, though, is the population size - only 101. With only 101 residents and an average household size of two, it seems as though this little doesn't have much to offer. However, its location is one of the most beautiful places in the United States - the Olympic Peninsula. Blyn and its neighboring communities of Sequim, Port Angeles, and Port Townsend area home to the Olympic National Forest, the Olympic Mountains, and oceanside views of the Pacific. Blyn is significant for its Washington location and the outdoor adventure life that surrounds it!

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* A contractor registered in the State of Washington is not a Certified Builder. Certified Builder is an elective designation that offers you a more highly accredited building professional.